Monday, January 1, 2024

Extreme Loonacy Is Back!

Hey man, I'd prefer that Bernie Sanders had been the nominee and won in 2000. But we have Joe Biden. And it's going to be Joe Biden or Donald Trump when we vote next. Well, I guess I'm voting again for Joe Biden. Given that Donald Trump is terrible and can absolutely NOT be president again. He belongs in prison.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Paula Deen Go Away

The foolish Paula Deen is getting her just deserts; what with everyone that previously decided to pay her money saying they no longer wish to. Obviously they recognize the public is not with her, so all her prior associates are now decoupling their previously hitched wagons. If they thought the public was with Deen they'd be defending her. Do you think they really care about her using the N-word if they thought the public would forgive here and there was still money to be made? Absolutely not.

A lawsuit filed against Deen is how we learned she used a racial slur decades ago. She honestly admitted she used the offensive word in question. "Of course" she said. She also admitted to "fantasizing about throwing a slavery-themed wedding for her brother". She "apologized" for those things, but only because she was worried that what happened to her (corporate sponsors/employers cutting ties with her) might happen.

That is a clue that this all about the money. The lawsuit filer who complained about a racially insensitive workplace (as well as sexual harassment) is lying. A tearful Deen does not admit she allowed racially insensitive language and jokes in her place of business. Nor sexual harassment. None of that happened according to Deen.

So she says she is sorry for what she said during the deposition for the lawsuit she is defending herself against, but she isn't sorry about how she wronged the person who filed the lawsuit... because Lisa T. Jackson is a liar.

If you ask me who I believe -- Paula and her brother Bubba Hiers or Lisa Jackson -- I say Paula Deen is the dishonest one. So why did she tell the truth about using the N-word in the deposition? Because she didn't think it was a big deal. She said "of course". She thought she had a good excuse, as she said it about a man that had a gun to her head during a bank robbery. But why didn't she say "yes, but..." and then insert her explanation? Why did she say "of course"?

She said "of course" because racial insensitivity is no big deal in Paula's eyes. And that racial insensitivy is not a big deal to Deen is why it was accepted in her place of business. The lawsuit filed by Lisa Jackson, a manager in Deen's restaurants in Savannah GA, says "even though she herself was white, she [was] distressed by Paula and her brother's racist comments because her partner had a biracial niece".

If you ask me if I believe Paula Deen and that Lisa Jackson is a liar, I say "of course NOT". Come on, we all know Deen never changed. Just last year (according to Jackson) Deen said she'd like her bother's wedding to include "tap dancing little n***ers". Conservatives are saying ridiculous things like the Left wanting to stone or lynch Deen, but we don't want that. We just say she should go away. Take your millions (less whatever Lisa Jackson is awarded when she wins her lawsuit) and retire.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

George Zimmerman Gets Away With Cold Blooded Murder?

George Zimmerman is a cold-blooded murderer who, if not convicted, will surely burn in hell. We know Zimmerman is a liar. He lied about money from supporters. He claimed he had nothing when, in actuality, he had over 100k in a bank account. He was caught speaking in code with his wife about the cash. He lied about his passport, claiming it was stolen so he could get another. Then he turned over the "stolen" one when the judge asked for it (the new one). The court said "why did you give us this passport you claimed was stolen?" But he didn't have a good answer. I don't understand why this wasn't brought up in the trial.

George lied when Sean Hannity asked him if he had ever heard of "stand your ground". Turns out he took a college class that covered it. A class in which the instructor gave him an A grade. So it stands to reason he lied about the confrontation between him and Trayvon. I certainly do not think he lied so much about everything else but has been completely honest about what happened when he shot and killed an unarmed Black teen. Trayvon is dead and cannot tell his side. George is therefore free to make up a story that sounds plausible and get away with murder.

Yes, I think Zimmerman planned on killing a Black male some time before he found the right target. Trayvon was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Zimmerman saw his opportunity and took it. Also, given that he was high on Adderall, he was probably quite angry about the a-holes who always get away. So he found Trayvon and pointed his gun at him. Trayvon, fearing for his life, decked him and started beating on him when he fell. But Zimmerman ultimately got the upper hand and shot, killing Trayvon in cold blood.

Many people I've spoken with think he is guilty but would not be surprised if he walks. Florida Republicans issued George a license to murder, IMO. Now Conservatives across the interwebs are theorizing that George may be murdered by some crazy vigilante Liberal. Perhaps. And I will not feel sorry if that happens. Even though I oppose people taking the law into their own hands.

Plus the Conservatives will surely make hay of it if anyone does; blaming all Liberals in existence. So I pray for no rioting or people going after George even if he is acquitted. Because, even if he does not pay the penalty in this life, surely he will have to answer for his crimes in the next one.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

I Hate America. Happy 4th of July

As a Democratic Socialist Conservatives probably believe I hate America. I do not, although I do want to fundamentally transform it. The fundamental transformation that Conservatives say Barack Obama is bringing is total nonsense. The Blue Dog Obama isn't transforming America at all. Instead he supports the status quo. This is why we are still fighting a pointless war in Afghanistan. This is also why we never even considered a single-payer Medicare for all program. Supposedly Obama cut a deal with the health insurers to keep a public option off the table.

I think we need to be more like the more Socialist European countries; countries where nobody ever goes bankrupt due to medical expenses. I find it shameful that when free clinics come to town people who haven't been to a doctor in years line up like we were a 3rd world nation. We can do better and provide for everyone. Why does America worship wealth to such extremes? It is a sickness in my opinion.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Big Brother Is Watching Us

Welcome to the first "Extreme Loonacy" post in a very long time. I started this blog back in December of 1999, but got frustrated when it became apparent that nobody reading or commenting. So I gave it up. Now, after 6 months of no posting, I've decided to give this blogging thing another shot.

Please consider this the FIRST post of the new and improved Extreme Loonacy. Hopefully this time some people will join in the conversation? If you're unfamiliar with me, I am a far Lefty, politically speaking. You would probably not be surprised to learn that I did not vote for Willard "Mittens" Romney during the last election. But I also did not vote for the Blue Dog Conservative Democrat Barack Obama. I cheered for the election of our first African American president in 2008, but grew disappointed with him in short order. The last time out I went with my heart instead of my head and voted for Jill Stein of the Green Party.

Never again will I vote for someone who will tow the establishment line, as our current president has shown he will do. Troops still in Afghanistan, Gitmo still open. No public option, let alone a Single Payer Medicare for all health care plan that leaves no citizen without access to medical care they need. And Obama is spying on us in violation of the Constitution exactly like his predecessor, although now they say it's legal because a super-duper secret court has to say yea or nay first.

Oh, but he's keeping us safe from the terrorists the Obama loyalists say, even though they wouldn't tolerate these stripping of our liberties and freedoms if Mittens had been elected (shudder). No, I will be voting for Jill Stein should she chose to run again in 2016. Not another tow-the-line establishment/corporate/Blue Dog Democrat like Hillary Clinton. Hillary, in addition to not being a Progressive, is too old.

Democrats criticized Ronald Reagan for being to old, and in 2016 Hillary will be just months shy of the same age as the fascist Reagan was when he stole the election from Jimmy Carter (October Surprise). As we all know, Ronnie developed alzheimer's during his presidency. This most likely began some time before his second term. I'm not an ageist, but the presidency is a demanding job and we need someone in good physical and mental health, not a doddering old fogy with dementia.

However, you could point out that Jill Stein is only 2 years younger, so she probably missed her window of opportunity. I firmly believe that Hillary did. If she were ever to be elected president it should have been in 2008. Oh well. If it is Hillary versus an unknown Republican (the bible thumper Santorum?) verus Jill Stein I'll vote for Jill Stein. I'll probably vote for whoever runs on the Green ticket.

No, they probably will not receive even one electoral vote, but at least I'll have a clear conscience. All the Obamaites are currently saying that, if you voted for someone who supports our current surveillence state, then it is the same as if you personally gave your stamp of approval for the Obama Administration to scoop up all the data in existence from every citizen of the world that communicates electronically.

Not me. I never said OK when asked if Big Brother could store everything I transmit electronically in huge data storage centers for all time and perhaps listen to if a secret court agrees that I'm a terrorist or talking to a terrorist or somehow for some reason considered connected to a terrorist plot. What would it matter if I did? Violating the Constitution isn't something that can be done with or without the consent of the sheeple. Not unless a Constitutional amendment that made it possible was passed.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Republican Austerity Becomes Law

The so-called sequester (AKA Tea Party austerity) is now inevitable, in that a deal between the Repubs and the Dems could not be reached. Therefore deep across the board cuts will soon be implemented.

When does sequestration start? (excerpt from a Politico 2/28/13 article by Darren Samuelsohn) The law requiring $1.2 trillion in across-the-board spending cuts is a bit vague on when the budget cuts begin. It only says March 1. So, the White House Office of Management and Budget has until 11:59 p.m. Friday to actually issue the official sequestration notice that starts the entire process. That’s when OMB will simultaneously transmit a report to Congress detailing cuts in every affected agency’s budget account. President Barack Obama must actually issue an order to trigger OMB's actions.

Looks like the Republicans are determined to crash the economy so they can blame it on Obama.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Shrub Was Determined To Allow bin Laden To Strike Twin Towers & Pentagon

Today is another anniversary of the day thousands of Americans died due to the W admin ignoring the warnings.

The Bush White House ignored even more warnings about September 11 than we thought, according to journalist Kurt Eichenwald, who has a column in the NYT and a new book out today. We already knew about the presidential brief from 8/6/2001 that was titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US"...

...there were other briefings, some seen by Eichenwald, that [also warned] of an imminent attack. On 5/1 the CIA said that a terrorist group in the U.S. was planning an attack. On 6/22 it warned that this attack was "imminent". On 6/29 the brief warned of near-term attacks with "dramatic consequences" including major casualties. On 7/1, the briefing said that the terrorist attack had been delayed but "will occur soon". On 7/24, the president was told again that the attack had been delayed but would occur within months.

These and other similar warnings were ignored by the White House. (Bush Received More Warnings About 9/11 Than We Realized. Business Insider 9/11/2012).

I think the evidence shows that W was determined to allow bin Laden to attack us, as it provided him an excellent excuse to go to war. Time to send this war criminal to the Hague? Yeah, I think it's about time. Past time, actually. Past time that this mass murdering bastard be put behind bars where he belongs.