Saturday, June 29, 2013

Big Brother Is Watching Us

Welcome to the first "Extreme Loonacy" post in a very long time. I started this blog back in December of 1999, but got frustrated when it became apparent that nobody reading or commenting. So I gave it up. Now, after 6 months of no posting, I've decided to give this blogging thing another shot.

Please consider this the FIRST post of the new and improved Extreme Loonacy. Hopefully this time some people will join in the conversation? If you're unfamiliar with me, I am a far Lefty, politically speaking. You would probably not be surprised to learn that I did not vote for Willard "Mittens" Romney during the last election. But I also did not vote for the Blue Dog Conservative Democrat Barack Obama. I cheered for the election of our first African American president in 2008, but grew disappointed with him in short order. The last time out I went with my heart instead of my head and voted for Jill Stein of the Green Party.

Never again will I vote for someone who will tow the establishment line, as our current president has shown he will do. Troops still in Afghanistan, Gitmo still open. No public option, let alone a Single Payer Medicare for all health care plan that leaves no citizen without access to medical care they need. And Obama is spying on us in violation of the Constitution exactly like his predecessor, although now they say it's legal because a super-duper secret court has to say yea or nay first.

Oh, but he's keeping us safe from the terrorists the Obama loyalists say, even though they wouldn't tolerate these stripping of our liberties and freedoms if Mittens had been elected (shudder). No, I will be voting for Jill Stein should she chose to run again in 2016. Not another tow-the-line establishment/corporate/Blue Dog Democrat like Hillary Clinton. Hillary, in addition to not being a Progressive, is too old.

Democrats criticized Ronald Reagan for being to old, and in 2016 Hillary will be just months shy of the same age as the fascist Reagan was when he stole the election from Jimmy Carter (October Surprise). As we all know, Ronnie developed alzheimer's during his presidency. This most likely began some time before his second term. I'm not an ageist, but the presidency is a demanding job and we need someone in good physical and mental health, not a doddering old fogy with dementia.

However, you could point out that Jill Stein is only 2 years younger, so she probably missed her window of opportunity. I firmly believe that Hillary did. If she were ever to be elected president it should have been in 2008. Oh well. If it is Hillary versus an unknown Republican (the bible thumper Santorum?) verus Jill Stein I'll vote for Jill Stein. I'll probably vote for whoever runs on the Green ticket.

No, they probably will not receive even one electoral vote, but at least I'll have a clear conscience. All the Obamaites are currently saying that, if you voted for someone who supports our current surveillence state, then it is the same as if you personally gave your stamp of approval for the Obama Administration to scoop up all the data in existence from every citizen of the world that communicates electronically.

Not me. I never said OK when asked if Big Brother could store everything I transmit electronically in huge data storage centers for all time and perhaps listen to if a secret court agrees that I'm a terrorist or talking to a terrorist or somehow for some reason considered connected to a terrorist plot. What would it matter if I did? Violating the Constitution isn't something that can be done with or without the consent of the sheeple. Not unless a Constitutional amendment that made it possible was passed.

1 comment:

  1. Two parties violating the Constitution and seizing the electronic records of it's citizens. Gary Johnson would roll back the PATRIOT act. Socialism is not the way to go my friend. Just look at it's abysmal track record! When the socialists get in the result is often mass murder! Is the Socialist paradise of North Korea somewhere you'd actually want to live? I know I wouldn't. If you're looking to maximize your freedom I say you need to consider voting Libertarian in the next election.
