Saturday, January 5, 2013

Republican Austerity Becomes Law

The so-called sequester (AKA Tea Party austerity) is now inevitable, in that a deal between the Repubs and the Dems could not be reached. Therefore deep across the board cuts will soon be implemented.

When does sequestration start? (excerpt from a Politico 2/28/13 article by Darren Samuelsohn) The law requiring $1.2 trillion in across-the-board spending cuts is a bit vague on when the budget cuts begin. It only says March 1. So, the White House Office of Management and Budget has until 11:59 p.m. Friday to actually issue the official sequestration notice that starts the entire process. That’s when OMB will simultaneously transmit a report to Congress detailing cuts in every affected agency’s budget account. President Barack Obama must actually issue an order to trigger OMB's actions.

Looks like the Republicans are determined to crash the economy so they can blame it on Obama.

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