Tuesday, July 9, 2013

George Zimmerman Gets Away With Cold Blooded Murder?

George Zimmerman is a cold-blooded murderer who, if not convicted, will surely burn in hell. We know Zimmerman is a liar. He lied about money from supporters. He claimed he had nothing when, in actuality, he had over 100k in a bank account. He was caught speaking in code with his wife about the cash. He lied about his passport, claiming it was stolen so he could get another. Then he turned over the "stolen" one when the judge asked for it (the new one). The court said "why did you give us this passport you claimed was stolen?" But he didn't have a good answer. I don't understand why this wasn't brought up in the trial.

George lied when Sean Hannity asked him if he had ever heard of "stand your ground". Turns out he took a college class that covered it. A class in which the instructor gave him an A grade. So it stands to reason he lied about the confrontation between him and Trayvon. I certainly do not think he lied so much about everything else but has been completely honest about what happened when he shot and killed an unarmed Black teen. Trayvon is dead and cannot tell his side. George is therefore free to make up a story that sounds plausible and get away with murder.

Yes, I think Zimmerman planned on killing a Black male some time before he found the right target. Trayvon was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Zimmerman saw his opportunity and took it. Also, given that he was high on Adderall, he was probably quite angry about the a-holes who always get away. So he found Trayvon and pointed his gun at him. Trayvon, fearing for his life, decked him and started beating on him when he fell. But Zimmerman ultimately got the upper hand and shot, killing Trayvon in cold blood.

Many people I've spoken with think he is guilty but would not be surprised if he walks. Florida Republicans issued George a license to murder, IMO. Now Conservatives across the interwebs are theorizing that George may be murdered by some crazy vigilante Liberal. Perhaps. And I will not feel sorry if that happens. Even though I oppose people taking the law into their own hands.

Plus the Conservatives will surely make hay of it if anyone does; blaming all Liberals in existence. So I pray for no rioting or people going after George even if he is acquitted. Because, even if he does not pay the penalty in this life, surely he will have to answer for his crimes in the next one.

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