Saturday, September 17, 2011

World Trade Center Brought Down By Terrorists! W Admin Ecstatic!

9/11/2001 is surely a day that will live in infamy. Last Sunday terrorists hijacked commercial airlines and flew them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As you may or may not recall, I predicted (here, on this blog) that an attack like this might happen back in January. Now, less than a year later, my prognostications have been proven accurate. I take no joy in having been right about this, however, what with the fact that 2,606 people lost their lives.

Tragic. Although it is something we could have avoided, IMO. But the W administration didn't do it's duty, which would have been to go after al Qaeda and keep us safe. Why? I think it's because they wanted an incident like this to occur so they could go to war. Which is my current prediction. The answer to this attack will be that the United States goes to war (and the military contractors will be greatly enriched).

Mark my words. It is only a matter of time. Will we go back into Iraq? Saddam Hussein, the leader of that country, hates Osama bin Laden. I seriously doubt Saddam had anything to do with the attacks. But will that matter to W? I'm predicting that it will not. I'm thinking that he'll want to finish what his daddy started. By going into Iraq and deposing Saddam.