Americans wages are stagnating under this Republican president according to an article from CS Monitor.
...consumer pocketbooks had a rough start this millennium... as... gains in their pocketbook slowed dramatically. Median incomes rose just 1.6 percent after inflation during the 2001-04 period, according to data released [2/23/2006] by the Federal Reserve Board. ... Gains are better than losses, but the survey confirms and amplifies a trend of wage stagnation... "It is a long-term trend", says Mark Weisbrot, an economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, which studies the well-being of American workers and families. "Over the past 30 years, the median wage has grown about 9 or 10 percent". (article by Mark Trumbull, 2/24/2006). |
IT'S A LONG TERM TREND. Thanks Shrub. Anywho, I've heard it said that W "won" re-election (which is strange, to be "re-elected" to the presidency a 2nd time when he wasn't elected the 1st time) because the American people didn't want to "change horses midstream" (a reference to the US being at war). But I categorically reject this explanation. No way the electorate decided to keep this illegitimate president for a 2nd term. Especially given the fact that the dumbass got us into this war unnecessarily.
We already went into the country where OBL's al Qaeda was holed up... and where OBL got away, which (in regards to OBL's escape). Shrub said, "So I don't know where he is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him. And, again, I don't know where he is. I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him".
So, how stupid is it to start ANOTHER war; and with a country that had nothing to do with 9-ll? I strongly suspect that W stole it again. IMO that Kerry won is much more likely than W getting elected the 1st time to a 2nd term.